Support Tools for Times of Change

by Kelly Kasle. January 6th, 2023.

Many of us who become professional musicians know deep in our soul that we must do music. It’s instinctual and a knowing that can’t be described in words.

We dedicate most of our time and energy to music without thinking twice about what else we might do, and both the educational institutions and professional organizations encourage musicians to be all in.

However, we all arrive at a point in time where we start thinking about other aspects of life,

    • “I want to have kids and buy a house. Am I making enough money?”

    • “I have other interests I’d like to explore. What else besides music would make me happy?”

    • “I’d like more stability and routine than the freelance life offers.”

    • “I’m too stressed. This career lifestyle is affecting my health. I have to make changes.”

    • “Who am I without music?”

If you are at a point of transition, I want you to know, it’s okay! There is nothing wrong with you! Your music colleagues won’t think less of you for making changes. This is YOUR LIFE! You get to CREATE what YOU want to experience, and it’s okay to change your mind about what you want and what makes you happy. It’s actually quite natural.

Music can still be a part of your life no matter how you make money to support yourself.

Over the last two years I have watched so many of my musician colleagues transition away from making a full-time living in music to pursue other careers and interests for a variety of reasons. Myself included. For some, the transition was graceful and others, a struggle.

School does not teach us the tools to make these transitions smoothly.

    • Meditation

    • Self Inquiry Tools and Practices - into the Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind and Soul

    • Emotional Intelligence Communication Tools

    • Energetic Healing Modalities to clear the body of old, stuck energy to make space for new experiences

In my case, the Universe cleaned my plate and pushed me on a new path through a pretty dramatic series of events that were mostly out of my control. The end of 2020 was a “WTF is happening and WHY??!!” moment. The unexpected death of my father, a momentary decision to move across the country and a forced career change all in one sweep.

By the time this WTF moment hit, I had already been practicing the tools mentioned above for a decade.

In my freshman year of college in 2010 I started a health overhaul that led me on a spiritual journey to explore neuroscience, quantum physics, biohacking, energy healing, nutrition, self improvement, spirituality and esoteric sciences. Studying wholistic health and spiritual practices became my hobby in my free time.

As an aside, that same year a seed was planted. In Music History 101, Pythagoras’s famous Music of the Spheres quote stuck in my head, “There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the space of the spheres.” I always wondered, “What did he truly mean ,and why didn’t we dig into this further in school?

I was extremely grateful to have my practices and go-to energy healers to help me get through the huge, unexpected life events in 2020.

BUT, I still had the question, WHY did these things happen?

I do not believe in coincidences. I believe everything is connected and happens for a reason.

On my journey exploring health upgrades, biohacking, and self improvement I learned a lot of tools to improve one’s physical, mental and emotional health. But none of these techniques or practices showed me WHY I Am the Way I Am and WHY certain things happened at certain times.

Until, I found the answers in Astrology and Human Design. Pythagoras’s seed took 10 years to grow into a tree.

With the abundance of free time I had in 2021, I learned how to read my charts and studied as if I was getting a degree in Astrology. I went back through my life and was able to trace all my major life events to major planetary alignments. I saw all of my personality traits, likes, dislikes, motivations, tendencies, preferences, gifts and abilities written in my charts.

Your Natal Birth Chart is comparable to a multilayer hiking trail map that includes an equipment packing list. This multilayer map shows weather patterns and seasons; the landscape and terrain along the hiking route; a detailed zoomed-in view (Human Design) and a birds eye view from the sky (Astrology); the obstacles you’ll face (Astrological Transits); and the path of least resistance up the mountain. If you take the map’s advice, dress appropriately and begin your journey with proper support, you’ll have a great time! If you wear flip flops and a bathing suit to hike a snowy mountain, things could go wrong very quickly.

In times of transition, your chart provides a lot of advice on what might make you happy, who could help you, if a relationship will work out, what areas of life to utilize or focus on to make a change, how different areas of life connect and upcoming challenges or doorways of opportunity.

Personally, I love to be prepared. I love using my charts to find my blindspots and weaknesses so that I can overcome and transmute them to manifest my greatest desires DESPITE a rough transit. Had I known about my huge Saturn Return transit at the end of 2020, I would have prepared very differently.

It can also be reassuring to hear something about yourself that you instinctually knew but hadn’t heard out loud.

The phrase I hear most often in sessions is, “How did you know… that happened? that thing about me?” And my answer is, “I’m simply reading your chart. Just as I can hear a score in my head, I can read a person’s life playbook before a conversation with them.”

Astrology has become one of my favorite and most reliable tools for navigating life with ease and grace. And just like music, there is an element of magic and trusting in intuition and divine timing.

I know it may sound woo-woo to consult the planets on life decisions, but this incredible science and art has been practiced for thousands of year in every culture on Earth. I have found the planets to be better teachers and guides than most humans because really they are just a higher or macro reflection of humans. The parallel micro reflection is how neuroscience has proven that our external reality is a mirror reflection of our internal thoughts and emotions.

“As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without.”

‘If earthly objects such as strings or pieces of metal make sounds when put in motion, so too must the Moon, the planets, the Sun and even the highest stars. As these heavenly objects are forever in motion, orbiting the Earth, surely they must be forever producing sound.’ - Pythagoras


Kelly Kasle is a Bassoonist, Music Educator, Event Producer, Astrologer and Meditation Teacher. Prior to COVID she was based in Los Angeles and had a diverse resume of projects including producing independent projects for GRAMMY-Award Winning Soprano Hila Plitmann and Produced by BEAR, teaching with multiple youth orchestras including the LA Phil’s YOLA and her own private students, representing Bocal Majority at West Coast Music Education conferences and spending summers playing chamber music at the Lake Tahoe Music Festival.

After making it through life altering events during COVID using the tools and practices she had been studying for fun over the last decade, Kelly realized she could have a bigger impact working in the field of life coaching. Now, she helps people find their purpose and smoothly navigate big life transitions using Astrology, Human Design and Meditation.

You can find her latest courses, events and book a session at